Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Evolution or Idolatry?

The expanding theory of evolution has pervaded our science and thought deeply, but it expressly and directly denies God his glory and contradicts Truth.

Scientific evolution is observable and quite easily proven.  It attributes great wisdom to the God who created living organisms and systems.  But the philosophical extension of evolution goes far beyond our observation and is supposed to be a viable explanation of our being.  Faith in the eternal, unchanging, power of God should never be compromised or undermined in the spiritual, mental, or physical realm by the ever evolving sophistry of worldly reason.  God is sovereign in the hearts of his people, and in the physical laws of HIS universe.

One thing I wish to stress is that our faith in God does not rest in our logic or reason.  By faith we understand the worlds were framed by the word of God (Heb 11:3).  There is no way we can see, with our eyes or scientific proof, how the worlds were framed.  The difference between our faith in God, and the insistence of secular thinkers to explain origins naturally, is an a priori difference.  Acknowledging God requires a conscious decision because the facts won't lead you there; the facts are interpreted based on the foundation of faith.

I have faith in God intrinsically.  It is written deep within my being so that I cannot begin to interpret my observations or trust nature's laws without nature's God being the foundation and first cause.  He alone is self-existent, eternal, immutable, and all-wise.  I believe main-stream "science" is absent that foundation and rests on arbitrary assumptions such as: we can trust our senses, natural law is constant and dependable, and human reasoning can lead to truth, to name three.  Yet while maintaining assumptions that make science possible, they deny revelation from the Holy One who makes those assumptions reasonable.

Therefore I believe main-stream science, insofar as it places human reason as more important than Divine revelation is idolatrous.  I want nothing of it.  I had much prefer lean on the sublime gift we have of inspiration in the Bible to guide my interpretations of nature.  It does not at all limit our ability to understand nature, but it allows the truth of nature to reflect so brightly on her Creator that I rejoice to see my God when his wisdom is displayed in nature. I further believe it is a mistake to ignore the timelines given in the Bible from creation to Christ in order to harmonize the Bible with the contradicting assumptions of Evolution.  I believe God is wiser than we are and that He did not use an extended "natural" process to form the universe contrary to the plain statements of Genesis.  God is supernatural. He said he spoke the earth into existence so I believe it.  He said he breathed life into man so I believe it.  He said that he was God in human flesh so I believe it.  He said that he would rise after being in the grave and I believe he is alive.  If we believe God works supernaturally according to so many statements, we don't need a natural explanation of creation that denies his supernatural account in Genesis.  Of course Genesis isn't a scientific account, but let's not pretend that creation was anything but supernatural. 

I understand that I cannot create faith in God, nor convince unbelievers to trust the Bible.  But I wish to encourage the faithful to trust the Bible instead of judging it by the arbitrary theories of the world.  I wish to reinforce the belief that creation was a miraculous work of God's power, and identifying theories that contradict the Bible as God-dishonoring.  Evolution (the extended, beyond-observation, theory) is idolotrous and is despised by God as is every false god in history.  I believe the Word of God and we can by obedience to that faith draw closer to our Savior. Let's love one another and never be ashamed to stand in the Word.  When the world hates us for it, remember that it hated Jesus first, and rejoice if ever we suffer any reproach for Christ's sake.